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Young Ambassadors

Our six Young Ambassadors are the face of our charity, speaking at events to raise awareness of what the charity does and how it has changed their lives.


Cole is 30 years old and is a hugely dedicated Young Ambassador for Smile for Life! Cole holds many roles within our charity, including Café Host, Premises office and Ambassador of our work. He is always willing to get stuck in, from doing wonderful work to promote our charity with the media to helping on our allotment. And as if all that wasn’t enough, Cole hosts his own annual fundraising event, raising thousands of pounds to support other disabled youngsters – he truly is an inspiration!



Lewis is 33 years old and has been involved with Smile for Life since 2014, working as a Host in Café Beam. Always passionate about his role, Lewis spotted an opportunity for a pop-up Café Beam at Newburn Activity Centre and introduced us to the manager there. The rest is history – Lew’s Place was established August 2016. We’re excited for Lew’s Place to get back up and running later this year, welcoming regular customers for a range of drinks, baked goods, and hot paninis! Lewis is also an expert at public speaking – sharing the news of the charity and raising awareness of disabilities at a huge range of events and community groups.



Tracey is 28 years old and joined us on the very first Cafe Beam shift back in 2014. She quickly became the queen of the coffee machine and has trained many many more youngsters on how to make the perfect Cappuccino! Although she no longer works in the cafe on a regular basis she can often be seen helping us out when we need her expertise. She is a committed Young Ambassador and often accompanies us as we talk to school children and community groups about living with a disability and also the difference Smile For Life has made to her life. Tracey is always ready to take on a challenge – abseiling a rock face, camping in -12 degrees and caving in Southern France to name a few. A true role model!



Amber is 28 years old and has worked with Smile For Life for many years. She has been a fabulous mentor to so many other young people who arrive at Cafe Beam nervous and anxious and is a true role model. Overcoming her own difficulties, Amber always has a smile on her face and supportive words for everyone. To top it off she regularly steps outside of her comfort zone to stand-in front of audiences across the region to raise our profile! A fabulous young lady who we are proud to have as part of the Smile family!



Ross is 28 years old and has been a Young Ambassador for our charity since 2017. Ross has amazing confidence and passion when speaking about our work and loves to share his experiences with a large audience!!! He’s spoken at numerous events and even in front of an audience of more than 800 people! Ross is passionate and dedicated to his role as host in Cafe Beam which involves welcoming customers, raising awareness of our work and mentoring new students as they get to grips with their role in the cafe.



Emma, 25, is our newest Young Ambassador, and has been part of the Smile for Life family for many years. She is enthusiastic, encouraging, and a real team player – always making everyone feel at home & included. She’s a bit of a coffee-machine connoisseur, and her latte art is not to be missed! Emma has shown amazing dedication to our charity and has raised much needed funds through selling her beautiful cards and crafts to support other disabled youngsters in our region. She is very excited to join our other Young Ambassadors in their role of promoting our work, and has already spoken in front of over 200 people at our annual ball; we can’t wait to see her flourish!

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